Department for Cross-Border Cooperation and European Affairs (SGZE)

Head of the office
Dr. Klaus Schüle
+49 761 208-1051
+49 761 208-1176
Deputy head of the office
Our duties and responsibilities
The staff unit for cross-border cooperation and European affairs (SGZE) is directly assigned to the president of the Regierungspräsidium (RP) Freiburg. While building the provincial administration in Baden-Württemberg the Regierungspräsidien cooperate on bureaucratic matters. The Regional Council represents the region within society and in cross-border cooperation and affairs. The Regional Council in Freiburg with its staff unit for cross-border cooperation and European affairs (SGZE), as an onsite authority, coordinates cross-border collaboration while reporting to the state ministry of Baden-Württemberg and the other affected Regional Councils in Karlsruhe and Tübingen. In Freiburg they administer the budget for cross-border projects, developments and offices (Upper Rhine Conference, IBK, INFOBEST). Since 2007 the RP in Freiburg is also responsible for European affairs. The RP exercises legal and technical supervision through the Euro-Institut.
Our main tasks are
1. Participation in cross-border bodies such as the D-F-CH Government Commission, the political, economic, social and scientific network in the Trinational Metropolitan Region Upper Rhine Valley (TMO), the administration of the D-F-CH Upper Rhine Conference (ORK), International Conference of Lake Constance (IBK), Upper Rhine Council (Forum of Elected Representatives) and the D-CH High Rhine Commission (HRK).
2. The implementation of diplomatic policies in the Upper Rhine Valley and Lake Constance area.
3. Organization and implementation of events (such as symposiums and citizen dialogues) for the state region in order to increase cross-border cooperation.
4. Development and implementation of concepts and initiatives of cross-border relevance with the neighboring countries, concerning in particular urban planning and settlements, environmental matters, economic structure, transport and traffic, scientific cooperation, climate protection, culture and civil protection.
5. Approval and supervisory authority for European Groupings of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC).
6. Processing and establishing the relation between the INTERREG community initiatives and the implementation of goals on a European and national level. The president of the Regional Council is chairwoman of the Monitoring Committee of the INTERREG V A-Program Upper Rhine.
7. Administration of personal and financial resources of the cross-border facilities. These include: positions in the IBK, secretary office of the D-F-CH Upper Rhine Conference, information centers as INFOBEST, EURES-T (European network which aims to support the mobility of employees in Europe) and TRION which is an Energy Network of the Trinational Region Metropolitain Upper Rhine and registered association (TRION-climate e.V.).
8. Strengthening of the capacity within Europe of the Regional Council of Freiburg.
Staff members of the Agency for cross-border cooperation and European affairs
Dr. Klaus Schuele
+49 761 208-1051
Head of the department (personal, organisational and financial branches), responsible for all aspects of the department, as well as coordination of the on-site tasks of the regional council related to cross-border cooperation within the state government. Responsible for the Trinational Govering Commission, the D-F-CH Upper Rhine Conference, the Upper Rhine Council, INFOBEST Kehl/Strasbourg, relations to East Europe.
Thomas Boes
+49 761 208-1072
Deputy Head of the department, Responsible for questions concerning Europe, bilateral relations with Switzerland and the International Conference of Lake Constance (IBK), D-CH High Rhine Commission (HRK), Trinational Metropolregion of the Upper Rhine (TMR), Deep Geological Repositories Switzerland, Zurich Airport, Responsible for questions concerning INFOBEST Palmrain, Deputy Chairman TRION-climate e.V..
Susanne Loop
+49 761 208-1073
Responsible for questions concerning France, transportation incl. TGV Rhin/Rhône and EuroAirport Basel/Mulhouse/Freiburg, business and labor markets, EURES-T Upper Rhine, Trinationale Eurodistrict Basel, Eurodistrict Region Freiburg/Centre and Southern Alsace, Eurodistrikt Strasbourg-Ortenau, monitoring committee of nuclear power plant Fessenheim (CLIS), Responsible for questions concerning the Trinational Metropolregion of the Upper Rhine.
Anne-Kathrin Baran
+49 761 208-1047
European Groupings of Territorial Cooperation (EGCT).
Tom Bösche
+49 761 208-1045
The EU funding program INTERREG V A Upper Rhine, Youth Fund of the German-French-Swiss Upper Rhine Conference, SGZE Budget.
Sabine Höhne
+49 761 208-1046
General office management and organization, address file updates, schedule, foreign language correspondence.
Cross-border institutions
The creation of the common European market and the increasing integration of Europe have had a direct impact on the quality of life of all citizens. This is especially true within Europe’s border regions where the disappearance of national border controls has brought along many changes. This is why state, regional and municipal offices in France, Germany, and Switzerland have combined their efforts and, together with the Chambers of Commerce, independent sponsors, and associations are paving the way by introducing this Europe into people’s daily lives.

On March 6, 1996, aiming at the Intensification and expansion of the cooperation, common offices of the D-F-CH Upper Rhine Conference were opened to the public. The Agency for Cross-Border Cooperation is assigned the project responsibility for the common offices of the Upper Rhine Conference.
Mr. Cahueau is responsible for supervising the Euro-Institut (local grouping for cross-border cooperation).
Johann Cahueau (Secretary of the German delegation)
Christine Reeb
Rehfusplatz 11
77694 Kehl
+49 7851 93 49-20
+49 7851 93 49-50
The responsible contact person is Dr. Klaus Schüle.

An essential first step in strengthening and insitutionalising cooperation in the Lake Constance region was the formation of the Information and Consulting Agency for cross-border issues (REGIO office). In early 2003, this was reorganised into the Office of the IBK. The agency now serves both as a central information point for citizens and as the government office tasked to expand cooperation as well as to strengthen awareness of this common border region. The Agency for Cross-Border Cooperation and European Affairs is assigned the project responsibility for the offices of the IBK.
Klaus-Dieter Schnell (Manager)
Katja Heller (Deputy Manager)
Ulrike Bauer
Sabine Fauth
Lydia Tollkühn
Yvonne Brunner
Bücklestraße 3e
78467 Konstanz
+49 (0)7531 921 83-10
+49 (0)7531 921 83-20
The responsible contact person is Thomas Boes.
INFOBEST is an acronym for the German "INFOrmation und BEratungsSTelle" (information and advice centre). INFOBESTs are the first contact points for all cross-border questions about Germany, France and Switzerland. They provide advice and information for citizens, associations, businesses, administrations and political players in the Upper Rhine area. INFOBEST is a public, generalist institution whose aim is to enable and encourage people to live together in the Franco-German-Swiss Upper Rhine area.
INFOBESTs have been set up with financial assistance from the European Union since the early 1990s.
INFOBEST Kehl-Strasbourg
The Regierungspräsidium Freiburg is responsible for INFOBEST Kehl/Strasbourg. It is a branch office of the Stabsstelle für grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit und Europaangelegenheiten and is located in the Kompetenzzentrum für grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit in Kehl.
Bettina Mecklenburg (German Advisor)
Isabel Parthon (German Advisor)
Annette Steinmann (Assistant)
Rehfusplatz 11
77694 Kehl
+49 (0)7851 94 79-0
The responsible contact person is Dr. Klaus Schüle.
INFOBEST Vogelgrun/Breisach
Delphine Carré (German Advisor)
c/o Art’Rhena
Île du Rhin
68600 Vogelgrun
+33 (0) 389 72 04 63
The responsible contact person is Tom Bösche.
INFOBEST PALMRAIN is the only trinational INFOBEST and the only one that can answer questions about Switzerland
Marcus Schick (German Advisor)
Pont du Palmrain
68128 Village-Neuf
+49 (0)7621 750 35
The responsible contact person is Thomas Boes.
INFOBEST 4.0 | Service Zentrum Oberrhein
INFOBEST 4.0 is a trinational project to further develop the four INFOBESTs on the Upper Rhine. The aim is to help citizens, but also companies, associations and administrations on the Upper Rhine region by providing reliable and comprehensive answers to all their cross-border queries, through personalised advice and new digital services. As a new service, two advisors provide targeted and individual support to those seeking advice when filling out their online applications.
A large part of the project costs is financed by the European funding programme Interreg Oberrhein, which has been supporting cross-border cooperation projects on the Upper Rhine with EU funds since 1989. The Swiss Confederation is also co-financing the project via the Neue Regionalpolitik (NRP).
Julia Dumay (coordination officer)
Floran Groneberg (project manager)
Michael Großer (referent for digitalization and knowledge management)
Felicia Herr (communication officer)
Dr. Claudia Le Clerc (advisor)
Perrine Grunenwald (advisor)
Annabelle Gallois (advisor)
INFOBEST 4.0 | Service Zentrum Oberrhein
Hauptstraße 108
77694 Kehl
The responsible contact person is Dr. Klaus Schüle.

As a cooperative institution aiming to reinforce the regional cross-border cooperation on the Upper Rhine the High Rhine Commission (HRK) promotes and organises the contact and exchange of experience between its partners, institutions and citizens in the area from Basel to Constance. In addition, the HRK wants to dynamically strengthen and further develop the shared cross-border economic and common living space by taking up future issues.
The HRK plays an active role in linking the relevant actors in order to use the opportunities provided by the European funding program INTERREG.
The High Rhine Commission also offers:
- Financial support of citizens' projects through the Fund Small Projects
- An event calendar for cross-border events
Jasmin Rauhaus-Höpfer (Manager)
Lara Kirchner (Interreg-Coordinator)
Amtshausstraße 1
79761 Waldshut-Tiengen
+49 (0)7751 91 87 7 82
+49 (0)7751 91 87 7 84
The responsible contact person is Thomas Boes.
-climate e.V.
TRION-climate e.V. is a Franco-German-Swiss network of energy market operators in the trinational metropolitan Upper Rhine region with linking actors in order to achieve energy and climate protection goals (particularly focusing on energy efficiency in buildings). Its specific duties include the implementation of trinational meetings as well as the maintenance of a website as an informative and interactive platform.
Wolfgang Raber (Chairman of the Board, Ministry of the Environment, Energy, Food and Forestry Rhineland-Palatinate, Mainz)
Thomas Boes (Deputy Chairman of the Board, SGZE, Regierungspräsidium Freiburg)
Vulla Parasote-Matziri (Manager)
Sylvia Husel
Fabrikstraße 12
77694 Kehl
+49 (0)7851 4842-580
+49 (0)7851 4842-582

The Euro-Institut is a local grouping for cross-border cooperation created in 1993. It has 12 employees and is based in Kehl, near Strasbourg. It designs, optimises and supports cooperation projects by giving practice-oriented methods for the management of such cross-border projects.
Numerous actors from the three countries on the Upper Rhine have come together through the Euro-Institute and have brought interesting cross-border projects to fruition.
The Euro-Institut offers
- Comparative seminars on current topics
- Training measures, in order to strengthen the Europe-competence
- Implementation of studies, evaluations and consulting, Coaching in intercultural communication and understanding
- Moderation of cross-border meetings and workshops
- Help in providing information and in the search for the right contact person
The Regional Council in Freiburg supervises the Euro-Institut legally and technically.
Technical supervision is the responsibility of the department for Cross-Border Cooperation and European Affairs.
Georg Walter (Director)
Anne Thevenet (Deputy Director)
Institut für grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit
Villa Rehfus
Rehfusplatz 11
77694 Kehl
+49 (0)7851 7407-0
+49 (0)7851 7407-33
The responsible contact person is the Secretary of the German delegation from the office of D-F-CH for the Upper Rhine Conference, Johann Cahueau.
Department for Cross-Border Cooperation and European Affairs (SGZE)
A particularity in the service of foreign policy of Baden-Württemberg
As early as 1986 the Prime Minister of the state of Baden-Württemberg decided upon the creation of a department for cross-border relations (today: Stabsstelle für grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit und europäische Angelegenheiten - SGZE) at the Regional Council (Regierungspräsidium) in Freiburg. It was established to coordinate and intensify the work along the borders of Baden-Württemberg (520 km) and to ease and shape relations with neighboring regions as the Upper Rhine, High Rhine and Lake of Constance. In the meantime the departments’ close cooperation has extended to include France, Switzerland,Liechtenstein and Austria. This administrative department is directly assigned to the President of the Regional Council, aiding and representing her in her function as Chief or member of several bodies that deal with cross-border affairs.