
Academic healthcare professions

Recognition of foreign educational qualifications in Baden-Württemberg

Please note: Longer processing times

We ask for your understanding that longer processing times must be expected due to the large number of applications received. To enable us to process the applications more quickly, please submit all application documents in full.

Stethoskop liegt auf Clipboard


Education abroad

Information and forms

Zahnarztbesteck auf Ablage


Education abroad

Information and forms

Apotheker mahlt ein Präparat mit einem Mörser


Education abroad

Information and forms

Zwei Hände halten durchsichtige Kugel


Education abroad


If you have any questions or need help with your application, please feel free to contact these counselling services:
Logo IQ-Netzwerk Baden-Württemberg

Counselling services with residence in Germany

IQ Network Baden-Württemberg
Counselling for recognition

Counselling services without residence in Germany

Central Service Point for Professional Recognition ZSBA

Dienstgebäude Pallas


Recognition of foreign qualifications in the health sector

Regierungspräsidium Stuttgart
Department 98
Landesanerkennungsstelle für Gesundheitsberufe (LAfG BW)
Ruppmannstraße 21
70565 Stuttgart

Please submit application documents by post only.
Contact form
FAQ Academic healthcare professions (in german)

Updated notice on the accelerated skilled worker immigration procedure

Information (in german)