FAQ Health Professions


How can I work in a healthcare profession in Baden-Württemberg?
Who is responsible for recognition?
How does the recognition procedure work?
How long does the processing take?
What does the recognition cost?
I would like to withdraw my application, what do I have to do?
I am moving, what do I have to do?
Where can I get advice?




How can I work in a healthcare profession in Baden-Württemberg?

Have you completed your training abroad and would like to work in a healthcare profession in Germany? Then you must submit an application to us for a professional certificate.

You can find the relevant application documents and information here.

When submitting the application, a distinction is made as to whether you completed your training in the EU, an EEA state or Switzerland or in another country (third country).

As soon as you have submitted the complete application to us, we will check whether the legal requirements have been met. The equivalence of your foreign training with the current German training in this profession is required. Among other things, the following will also be checked

  • a fully completed apprenticeship
  • health suitability
  • absence of criminal record
  • sufficient German language skills

If you have completed a university or college degree and would like to work in an academic healthcare profession, you will find further information and documents here.


Who is responsible for recognition?

The professional certificate is issued by the Stuttgart Regional Council if you wish to work in a healthcare profession in Baden-Württemberg.

The Stuttgart Regional Council must be responsible at all times during the entire procedure. If, for example, you change your place of work during the procedure and this place is in another federal state, the procedure cannot be continued with us.

You must provide evidence of this responsibility in the form of a confirmation of employment or other plausible information.

Only if we receive this proof from you are we the authority responsible for you and can check the content of your documents.  

Note if you change federal state: If you have previously applied for a professional certificate in another federal state or are/were resident in another federal state, you must prove by means of a specific job offer that you will practice your profession in Baden-Württemberg after receiving the professional certificate. You must submit a single copy of the complete application documents. We will decide on a case-by-case basis whether to request the procedural file of the previously responsible federal state.

How does the recognition procedure work?

  • Determining the equivalence of the training

    As soon as you have submitted the complete application to us, we will check whether the legal requirements have been met. The equivalence of your foreign training with the current German training in this profession is required for this.

    Some training completed abroad (EU/EEA/Switzerland) can be directly recognized as equivalent. The decisive factors here are the proven job title and the date on which the training began. In this case, you do not need an aptitude or knowledge test or an adaptation period. You will then receive the professional certificate in the relevant healthcare profession after submitting proof of health suitability, exemption from criminal prosecution and sufficient German language skills.

    For all other foreign training courses, proof of equivalence with German training must be provided. To do this, you can either successfully take a knowledge test or complete an adaptation period.
  • Identification of significant differences in training

    If there are significant differences between the training courses, you will receive a so-called deficiency notice.

    You can then choose to what extent you would like to take an aptitude or knowledge test or alternatively take part in an adaptation period.

    If you have successfully completed the course or examination, you will receive the professional certificate in the relevant healthcare profession after submitting proof of health suitability, exemption from criminal prosecution and sufficient German language skills.
  •  Can I obtain recognition as a nursing assistant?

    Once you have received the deficiency notice in the recognition procedure as a nurse or nursing specialist or healthcare and pediatric nurse, you can apply for the certificate as a healthcare and nursing assistant.

    You will receive this certificate without further examination of the equivalence of your training. However, you must have sufficient German language skills at level B2 (see Language skills).

    If you have completed training in nursing assistance abroad, you can apply for recognition as a healthcare and nursing assistant. The equivalence of your training may be checked in this case.

How long does the processing take?

You will receive confirmation of receipt within one month. As soon as you have submitted all the documents in full, a decision can be made on the application. Applications are generally processed in the order in which they are received.

We ask for your understanding that longer processing times must be expected due to the large number of applications. To ensure that applications are processed as quickly as possible, please make sure that your application documents are complete.

What does the recognition cost?

The costs of recognition are individual. Below you will find a rough overview.

The costs for the decision on the equivalence of your training (deficiency notice) usually amount to 100 euros. An additional 200 euros (EU) or 250 euros (EEA, Switzerland, third country) will be charged for issuing the professional certificate.

Separate costs may be incurred for the preparation of an expert opinion to determine the reference qualification, the equivalence of the training and the authenticity of documents.

I would like to withdraw my application, what do I have to do?

To withdraw your application, please send us an informal letter by post stating that you wish to withdraw your application for recognition. The letter must contain the current date and your signature. You will then receive a confirmation letter with a fee assessment. Withdrawing the application usually costs 50 euros.

The documents you have already submitted will remain with us. As soon as another authority (another federal state) requests the documents and the costs have been paid by you, we will send the documents to the other authority.

I am moving, what do I have to do?

Please always state your current address (postal address/email address). If you change your address, please report the new address directly to your responsible administrative department so that we can continue to contact you. Please make sure to always put your name on your front door and letterbox so that our notices can be delivered.

Where can I get advice?

Due to the large number of applications, we are unfortunately unable to offer advice. However, the following advice centers will be happy to help you:

Are you abroad and do not yet have a job offer or are not resident in Baden-Württemberg?

Then please contact the Central Service Center for Professional Recognition (ZSBA).


Do you have questions about entering and working in Baden-Württemberg?

Please contact the IQ Network Baden-Württemberg.

Which documents must be submitted?
How to submit the documents?
Do the documents need to be translated?
Can the documents also be translated abroad?
Which document can I submit as proof of identity?
I cannot present a current identity document, what can I do?
What do I have to consider when submitting a certificate of good conduct?
I cannot provide a certificate of good conduct from my home country, what can I do?
Where can I get my German certificate of good conduct?
Do I have to submit a Certificate of Good Standing?
How should my CV be submitted?
Will I receive my submitted documents back later?
What can I do if I am unable to submit the documents for the completion of training in the healthcare profession?


Which documents must be submitted?

The following documents must be submitted:

Application documents and checklist

In what form must the documents be submitted?

Please send us your application by post only.

The following documents must be submitted in the original:

  • Application
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Credible evidence (confirmation of employment, employment contract, expression of interest, proof of counselling) Language certificate German B2 (you will receive this back with the certificate)
  • Certificates of good conduct from your home country/country of training and Germany Document type OB (for submission to an authority)
  • Medical certificate

All other documents can be submitted as copies. Official notarisations are not required.

All documents in foreign languages must be submitted with a qualified translation.

All documents and records submitted remain with us after the procedure has been completed and will not be returned.

Do the documents need to be translated?

You need a qualified German translation for all foreign-language documents.

A qualified translation is generally a translation prepared by a publicly appointed or sworn interpreter or translator in Germany.

Nationwide interpreter and translator database (DÜD)

Note: Documents in English must also be submitted with a qualified translation.

Can the documents also be translated abroad?

In principle, a translation from abroad may be sufficient if it is a publicly appointed or sworn translator in the respective country.

The translator's contact details must be clearly recognisable on the relevant documents.

Which document can I submit as proof of identity?

Only a passport or identity card is recognised as proof of identity.
A birth certificate is not sufficient.

I cannot present a current identity document, what can I do?

If you do not have a current passport or ID card (recognised refugees), you can present a German passport substitute (residence permit with the note ‘Ausweisersatz’).

What do I have to consider when submitting a certificate of good conduct?

You generally need current certificates of good conduct from the countries in which you have spent a longer period of time (more than one year). The certificates of good conduct must not be older than 3 months on the day the certificate of appointment is issued.

I cannot provide a certificate of good conduct from my home country. What can I do?

In exceptional cases (e.g. for refugees), we will accept a sworn declaration (via a notary) that you have not been guilty of any behaviour that makes you unworthy or unreliable to practise the healthcare profession.

Refugees from Syria:
You can apply for your certificate of good conduct via the Syrian embassy in Berlin and, if necessary, through a representative. This also applies to military conscientious objectors.

Where can I get my German certificate of good conduct?

You must apply for the official certificate of good conduct (document type OB) at your local registration office (city administration/town hall).

Please always provide the following information to the relevant registration office:


Recognition of healthcare profession

Recipient authority:

Regierungspräsidium Stuttgart
Referat 98
Name of the person in charge at the Regierungspräsidium Stuttgart
Ruppmannstraße 21
70565 Stuttgart

Do I have to submit a Certificate of Good Standing?

Only those who have already practised the healthcare profession in another country must submit a Certificate of Good Standing (not older than 3 months after the end of the professional activity).

Here you will find a list of the foreign authorities (pdf, 240 KB - in German) responsible for issuing the Certificate of Good Standing.

No guarantee is given that the list is up to date or correct. In case of doubt, please enquire with your country of origin.

How should my CV be submitted?

The CV must be submitted as follows:

  • clearly laid out
  • chronological
  • without gaps
  • in German
  • with date and signature

Please always state:

  • WHEN you were in WHICH COUNTRY
  • HOW LONG you were in the respective country
  • WHAT you did there

Example CV:

Time periodWhat did you do?Place/Country
01/2010 – 03/2016Study/training health professionMoscow/Russia
04/2016 – 05/2018Healthcare profession in hospitalAleppo/Syria
06/2018 – 07/2019Parental leave or baby breakAleppo/Syria
08/2019 – 08/2020Healthcare profession in the hospitalDamascus/Syria
08/2020 – 10/2021unemployedAleppo/Syria
11/2021Entry into Germany e. g. Cologne -
now language courses and integration

The CV must always be signed and dated with the current date.

Will I receive my submitted documents back later?

All documents and records submitted remain with us after the procedure has been completed and will not be returned. Only the original German B2 language certificate submitted will be returned to you with the certificate.

What can I do if I am unable to submit the documents for the completion of training in the healthcare profession?

In order to be able to make a decision, the recognition authority will check whether your vocational training has been completed and whether a German reference occupation exists.

If you are unable to submit the required documents or if it cannot be clearly determined from the documents that your training in the country of training matches the profession applied for and has been fully completed, we must commission the determination of a reference qualification via the Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB) in Bonn. However, we can only judge whether this determination is necessary when all documents have been submitted in full.

If the ZAB determines that the training does not correspond to a healthcare profession in Germany or has not been completed, we must reject your application.

If a reference occupation or the completion of the training is determined, the recognition process will be initiated.

What level of German do I need?
General language B2
Do I need a specialist language test?
Will my specialist language test from another federal state be recognised?


What level of German do I need?

If you want to work in a healthcare profession in Germany, you need sufficient knowledge of German. This is regulated by law.

You must provide proof of sufficient German language skills in the general language and in the specialist language (specifically for your profession). All German language skills must be available in the following language modules: reading, speaking, listening and writing.

The aim is for you to be able to hold spontaneous and largely fluent conversations, especially with patients. It is also necessary for you to be able to understand and reproduce complex texts and specialist discussions on medical topics.

General language B2

Language skills at level B2 or B2 care are required for issuing the professional certificate.

Exception: Level C1 is required in the field of social pedagogy and level C2 in logopedagogy.

As a general rule, proof of a test at level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) at a recognized language institute with ALTE certification as a full member (e.g. Goethe-Institut, TELC, ÖSD etc.) is required. A list of ALTE full members can be found at: https://www.alte.org/Our-Full-Members.

The original B2 certificate must be submitted. You will receive it back with the certificate.

Please note:

You do not need proof of B2 level language skills if you:

  • have attended and graduated from a German-speaking school for at least 10 years
  • have completed at least three years of vocational training in German
  • have successfully completed a state program for the recruitment of foreign specialists in healthcare professions, including a job-related German course (German Language Diploma DSD II of the Conference of Ministers of Culture)

Do I need a specialist language test?

The specialist language test is not yet conducted in Baden-Württemberg.
You can take the nursing language skills test at BSB Deutschland GmbH.

Will my specialist language test from another federal state be recognized?

Yes, the specialist language examination from another federal state is generally accepted. We require an original confirmation that you have passed the specialist language test. Please enclose this certificate with your application.


What is an adaptation period?
What is the scope of an adaptation pariod?
What is a final interview?
Who takes part in the final interview?
What happens if the final interview is not passed?
Who offers adaptation courses?

What is an adaptation period?

As soon as the application has been submitted to us in full, we will check the extent to which the foreign training is equivalent to the German training on the basis of the statutory regulations.

If there are significant differences between the training courses, you will receive a so-called deficiency notice. You then have the option of taking an aptitude or knowledge test or participating in an adaptation period. You can make this decision yourself.

You will find information on the scope and content of a possible adaptation period in the deficiency notice.

The adaptation period is an internship (practical training) with theoretical instruction. The theoretical instruction is the transfer of specialist knowledge alongside the practical work. If the institution in which the adaptation period is completed offers theoretical-practical instruction in your healthcare profession, you will take part in this training.

The aim of the adaptation period is for you to demonstrate the knowledge and skills required to practice the profession.

What is the scope of an adaptation period?

The scope of the adaptation period will be determined after reviewing your documents for each professional area in which there are significant differences to German training.

The adaptation period does not have to be completed full-time, but can be arranged individually in consultation with the practical training center. If the adaptation period is completed part-time, the duration of the adaptation period is extended accordingly.

The adaptation period concludes with an examination in the form of a final interview on the content.

What is a final interview?

A final interview must be held at the end of the adaptation period for each professional area in which a significant difference to German training has been identified. The contents of the adaptation period for the respective area and thus the knowledge are examined.

Who takes part in the final interview?

The final interview is conducted by two people:

  • a specialist examiner and
  • a teacher (or the person who supervised the applicant during the course)

What happens if the final interview is not passed?

If you are unable to demonstrate the required knowledge and skills for your profession in the final interview, the specialist examiners will decide on an appropriate extension of the adaptation period.

An extension of the adaptation period is only permitted once and is requested from the Stuttgart Regional Council by the institution where the adaptation period is completed.

A final interview will take place again after the extension. If you are still unable to provide proof of your knowledge here, you will have to repeat the entire adaptation period. The adaptation period may only be repeated once.

Who offers adaptation courses?

The adaptation course must be carried out at an institution that has a state training authorization for your profession. This includes, for example, hospitals (inpatient acute care), care facilities (inpatient long-term care) or care services (outpatient care).

You must find and contact the institution in which the adaptation period is completed yourself. There is no assignment by the Stuttgart Regional Council.

The content of the adaptation period must be adapted to the content of the German training. The institution where the adaptation period is completed is responsible for providing the required contents.

What is an aptitude or knowledge test?
What is the difference between an aptitude and a knowledge test?

Registration for the aptitude/knowledge test
How do I register?
Do I have to take part in a preparation course?
What is the composition of the examination committee?
How much time is there to register for an exam after the deficiency notice has been issued?
What are the costs?
Where do the oral and practical examinations take place?
When do the oral and practical exams take place?
How long does it take to receive an examination date?
What happens if a part of the examination is not passed?
Can the aptitude or knowledge test also be held in another federal state?



What is an aptitude or knowledge test?

As soon as the application has been submitted to us in full, we will check the extent to which the foreign training is equivalent to the German training on the basis of the statutory regulations.

If there are significant differences between the training courses, you will receive a so-called deficiency notice. You then have the option of taking an aptitude or knowledge test or participating in an adaptation period. You can make this decision yourself.

If you decide to take an aptitude or knowledge test when you submit your application, the scope of the aptitude or knowledge test will be determined without taking into account the training you have completed. There is therefore no need to check to what extent the foreign training is equivalent to the German training. This reduces the processing time for your application.

The aim of the aptitude or knowledge test is to prove that you have the necessary knowledge and skills to practice the profession.

What is the difference between an aptitude and a knowledge test?

The aptitude test only consists of a practical test. Participation is required if you have completed training in the EU, the EEA or Switzerland and your training cannot be directly recognized as equivalent. The decisive factors here are the proven job title and the date on which training began.

The knowledge test consists of an oral/theoretical and a practical examination. Participation in a knowledge test is required if you have completed your training in a third country (non-EU/EEA/Switzerland).

How do I register?

You can contact the institution that offers aptitude tests or knowledge tests directly. The institution will then inform us of your participation in the examination and you will be registered automatically. You will then receive the invitation to the examination from us.

Is the completion of a preparation course obligatory?

No, you do not have to take part in a preparation course. You decide whether you want to prepare for the exam on your own or take part in a preparation course. However, we generally advise you to take part in a preparation course in order to successfully pass the exam.

What is the composition of the examination committee?

The examination board for the oral/theoretical knowledge examination is made up of three people: two specialist examiners and a chairperson, who is appointed by us.

How much time is there to register for an exam after the deficiency notice has been issued?

There is no legal requirement for this. You decide when you want to register for an exam.

What are the costs?

We do not charge any fees for the examinations. However, the institutions (e.g. state-recognized schools, clinics) may charge examination fees. Please contact the institutions directly for more information.

Where do the oral and practical examinations take place?

The oral examinations take place at state-recognized schools or comparable recognized institutions.

The practical examinations take place in approved hospitals or suitable practical facilities. This may depend on the care situations specified in the deficiency notice.

When do the oral and practical exams take place?

The date for the examination is always organized by us in coordination with the respective institutions. The examinations are based on the respective training and examination regulations.

In order to speed up the duration of your procedure, you are welcome to contact an approved hospital or suitable practical facility yourself in advance regarding the practical examination and inform the state-recognized school where you are taking the oral examination.

How long does it take to receive an examination date?

Unfortunately, we cannot give you any information on the specific time it will take to receive an examination date. The dates are allocated by the state-recognized schools or similarly recognized institutions. As a rule, there are no long waiting times.

What happens if a part of the examination is not passed?

The oral/theoretical examination and the practical examination may be repeated once if you fail.

If you do not pass the examination on the repeated attempt, the application for recognition of the foreign professional qualification will be rejected.

Note: This applies not only to the state of Baden-Württemberg, but to the whole of Germany. Recognition of the foreign professional qualification is then no longer possible in Germany.

Can the aptitude or knowledge test also be held in another federal state?

No, that is not possible. As long as we are responsible for the recognition procedure, we are also responsible for taking the aptitude or knowledge test.