Department of Evaluation and Recognition for Certificates of Education from abroad and from other German Federal States

General introduction to our responsibilities
We examine and evaluate certificates of education, which were achieved abroad or in other German federal states. We compare them with educational standards and diplomas from Baden-Württemberg and certify them as equivalent to e.g. a basic level of education (“Hauptschulabschluss”), a medium level of education (“mittlerer Schulabschluss”) or the admission to university (“Hochschulreife”).
We also examine the educational standards of pre-school educators, staff in child care and Sports instructors.
Please contact us only if you
- live in Baden-Württemberg or
- can communicate in written form where you have applied (or plan to apply) for further education, an employment or a - as a German citizen - place of study in Baden-Württemberg.
We are not responsible, however, for diplomas and certificates from Baden-Württemberg.
Contact addresses for professional / non-academic certificates
Please contact for
a) admission to university from abroad
University applicants without German nationality, who have achieved the possibility to study at university in their home country, should send their application
- directly to the German university of their choice,
- for admission to a technical college directly to the Studienkolleg of the Technical College Konstanz or
- for the “Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg” to the administrative department of this institution
b) university diplomas from abroad
Zentralstelle für ausländisches Bildungswesen,
Graurheindorfer Str. 157, 53117 Bonn
Phone 0228 501-0
FAX 0228 501-777
This doesn’t apply to the recognition of pre-school educators, staff in child care and Sports instructors.
c) university titles from abroad
Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg,
Königstraße 46, 70173 Stuttgart
Phone 0711 279-0
FAX 0711 279-30 80
MWK Baden-Württemberg - Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst
d) professional trainings from abroad
Please use the link
e) for the final qualification of a "Fachhochschulreife" at Waldorf school
which was attained from a Waldorf school in Baden-Württemberg, please contact the department 76 of the "Regierungspräsidium" responsible for your hometown.
f) If you require an acknowledged copy of a certificate
received in Baden-Württemberg for use in other countries please contact
- in the case of a university certificate: Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst, department 12, Königstraße 46, 70173 Stuttgart
- in the case of a certificate of other secondary level schools or vocational/professional school training: Ministerium für Kultus, Jugend und Sport, department 22, Thouretstraße 6, 70173 Stuttgart
Application Process
Please read first our information sheet „Wichtige Hinweise“
Wichtige Hinweise zur Zeugnisanerkennung
- The process time may take several months.
It is not necessary to contact us by telephone during this period, as this may lead to further delay.
Your application should include the following documents:
(Important note: Whatever you hand in will not be returned to you!)
1. Personal documents (all of which should be copies)
- Personal data from your passport
- Resident Permit (for non-EU-citizens only)
- Certification regarding change of name, e.g. Certificate of Marriage
(in original language and certified translation) - Proof of Residency in Baden-Württemberg or an indication where you have applied or will apply für a school education / a vocational training
2. Certificates and Translations (please ONLY as certified copies)
- Diplomas from all schools with transcripts of subjects and grades If you have not finished school, please send transcripts of subjects and grades of the last two school years.
- A proof of qualification in the application examination, depending on the country's local requirements
- Confirmations of university studies (if applicable)
- Proof of professional training (only for pre-school educators, staff in child care and sports instructors and the recognition of other diplomas following professional development)
- Proof of professional practice (only for pre-school educators, staff in child care, sports instructors and the recognition of admission to a Technical College) and a leaving certificate of general schooling.
In this regard, please refer to the above mentioned information sheet
„Wichtige Hinweise“ - If available, please send a copy of your last German examination certificate
Note: Other documents may be required in individual cases. In this case, we'll contact you.
IMPORTANT: Please do not send any original documents!
3. Application Form
Please use the internet version.
Your CV should include all information on schooling, university studies and educational qualifications.
Recognition of school leaving certificate
Recognition of professional qualification
4. Fees
In case of positive acceptance we are obliged to ask for a fee of 100 € for the recognition process. In the case of low family income, these fees may be cancelled. If you wish to apply for the cancelling, please supply appropriate proof and include the following documents to your papers:
- Proof of salary in appropriate form (family income) and
- Proof of number of family members
- Proof of the amount of unemployment assistance
IMPORTANT: Please never send any cash! A document for the bank transfer will be included for your convenience in our final recognition of the evaluation.
5. How to get in contact with our department
Please send your documents to the following postal address:
Regierungspräsidium Stuttgart
Schule und Bildung - Anerkennungsstelle
Ruppmannstraße 21
70565 Stuttgart
or hand them in personally at our opening times.
You will find us in the Ground Floor of building C. Contact the Service Point there.
We are open Monday to Thursday 9:00 am - 12:00 am.
A visit is only possible with prior appointment.
For any further questions please contact us via this contact form or by E-Mail:
Find further detailed information regarding the comparison of school diplomas under
Due to the persisting danger of infection by the corona virus and for your own health and also the protection of our staff you are requested to only visit our department in case of urgency. A visit is only possible with prior appointment.
For this please use our Contact Form and mind that all over the regional council face masks are mandatory for external visitors.
You can as well pass in your application forms via e-mail ( or letter post or contact us under the below-mentioned phone number.

Contact Persons
Director / Principal
Phone: 0711 904-17170
Fax: 0711 904-17192
Phone: 0711 904-17170
Fax: 0711 904-17192
Contact Form